Group Buys Logistics
A group buy involves a group of individuals pooling money together to produce a product with economies of scale. Group buys allow smaller vendors like SliceMK to bring products, such as the ErgoDox Wireless, to market with limited capital.
For group buys, the money must be pooled together before ordering from the manufacturers. As a result, there is a period of several weeks or months between when the customer pays for the product and when it is finally shipped.
Because quantity we purchase depends directly on the number of orders we receive, we are unable to offer refunds for group buys. In exceptional cases, we may allow a refund if one customer wants a refund and another who missed the group buy wants to join for the same product. In such cases, the buyer is responsible for the payment processing fee. Please refer to our refund policy for additional details.
Please be mindful that delays are possible. Even though our estimates take potential delays into account, sometimes additional things go wrong with the supply chain. In the event of a delay, we will do our best to keep everyone informed on the progress.